Feb 11, 2016

Welcome to the family, Pico!

On December 19, 2015, Lacie and Eric welcomed their first "baby" into the family! Little Pico is a Pembroke Corgi. Lacie has been obsessed with Corgis for a LOOOOOONG time. She found a local breeder and got in contact with her. The breeder took a liking to Lacie, so as soon as her new litter was going to be born, we all knew the Childers family would be growing!

Pico and his brothers and sisters were born on October 7, 2016. Though we all wanted to get that puppy immediately, he had to stay with his doggy mommy for a few months!

When it came time for Lacie and Eric to meet the puppies for the first time, Lacie fell in love with the one who immediately ran up to her. They knew that he was going to soon be theirs!

On that chilly Saturday in December, Lacie and Eric made the short trip from Knoxville to Walland to adopt their new baby boy!! They brought him back to Holmes Manor, where the rest of us got to meet him for the first time! That first night, Pico was so shy. The Holmes dogs, Mela and Snickers, did not like him!! They're very protective of each other and their humans, so this little furball was just annoying to them!

Pico very soon warmed up to the whole family, and the other dogs eventually started to like him... A little bit, anyway! Mela enjoys rough-housing with him, and Snickers really only likes him when he's laying down asleep! He's definitely a great addition to the family!

We all love Pico so much. He's grown a ton since we had this photoshoot!!! :)

Aug 11, 2015

Disneyland, July 2015

We went to Disneyland in California a few weeks ago for our annual Holmes family summer vacation. Disneyland is currently celebrating its 60th anniversary! Everything was decorated up so beautifully for this wonderful diamond celebration. I took several photos around the park over the course of our trip. I'd love to share my favorite shots with you! Enjoy!

(Three of them are in black and white because I had edited them for a previous project and only saved the black and white version, lol!)

Jul 20, 2015

Still Life in the Spring

I found these photos I took last spring for my photography class. It was for a still life shoot. My favorite compilation is the teapot!

Jul 17, 2015

Lakeside Beauty

Just stumbled across these photos. I took them for a landscape photography assignment last semester and forgot I had them! They were taken at two different lakes on two different days, but both were very gorgeous locations.

Apr 13, 2015

Allie's Senior Prom, 4-11-15

My sweet little sister had her senior prom this past Saturday. I was able to run home from work and take a few pictures of her and her friends before I had to jet off to my next job.

These are just a few of my favorites!

Jan 26, 2015

Amy, Head shots

I recently took some head shots for my beautiful sister-in-law Amy for an audition she is going to this weekend. Fingers crossed she does well and that she gets the job!!

Aug 22, 2014

Britni and Trevor's Knoxville Engagement, 7-13-14

Finally some edited photos! All the photos I ever upload to this blog have been unedited, until now. I'm very excited to show off these beautiful photos of a very awesome couple!

Britni and Trevor's love story all started with the two of them throwing pine cones, books, and boots at each other. They had met one day through Britni's brother, and things only went uphill from there.

Trevor first asked Britni out by using the song "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepson. Instead of the lyrics "here's my number, so call me maybe," he used "here's my heart, so girlfriend maybe?" Ever since then, Britni has been head over heels in love with him. They have been together two and a half years now!

Trevor proposed to Britni while they were at Myrtle Beach. He popped the question while the two were out enjoying the beautiful ocean. So romantic!!

The beautiful couple will be married on September 20 at Walden Grove in Sweetwater.

I had such a wonderful time with these two. They both have such sweet and goofy personalities, and they fit so well together. You can really feel the love between them! I hope I was able to capture their true love in these engagement photos! :)